Ways of Christ

You cannot see the characters on our Korean pages correctly?

Adjust in Your Browser: View / Code: "utf-8" and then click "actualize". If this does not work:

- Windows Users:

- Linux users: We don`t know. If You can`t see the characters on the korean pages, search in the help of Linux for language features.

If You can see the Korean fonts, but have difficulties to print the pages:

1. You can click here for a printable pdf file of our Korean site (344 kB). Please adjust Your printer to print it in black and white only.

For viewing .pdf-Files You need the free program "Adobe Acrobat Reader".

2. You may check, if Your printer can be adjusted to get the fonts from Your computer as images instead of "fonts-download". That should work with the web pages itself too.

3. Otherwise You may search in the web for a better driver for Your printer. Many printer drivers can handle korean fonts automatically.


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